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Page history last edited by Ralph Katz 10 years, 11 months ago

Ralph Katz, Ann Arbor, MI


New Horizons in Clarinet Playing? page.


Return to Music Downloads page: http://ralphkatz.pbworks.com/MusicDownloads 


These clips were made the morning of Sunday 8/22/10, using this equipment:


-     Buffet R13 Bb clarinet - professional setup by Meridian WInds in Okemos, MI

-     Vandoren mouthpiece - off the shelf

-     Pasoana barrel mike (Meridian Winds also provided a modified barrel to accept the mike)

-     Line6 Pod XT Live - digital effects box

-     M-Audio MicroTrack - digital recorder

-     Audacity digital audio editing software (free)


Disclaimer: these rough improvizations are only initial responses to stock digital effects.  Very little was done to equalize levels or fix mistakes.  


Audio clip: file0008.mp3 (auto chording)


Audio clip: file0011.mp3 (electric guitar sound)


Audio clip: file0012.mp3


Audio clip: file0014a.mp3  (audio delay)


Audio clip: file0015.mp3


Audio clip: file0017.mp3 (dropped an octave - not a clarinet sound)


Audio clip: file0020.mp3 (leslie speaker)


Audio clip: file0022.mp3 (more auto-chording)


Audio clip: file0023.mp3



Please comment to: dumpster605 at tds dot net


Return to Music Downloads page: http://ralphkatz.pbworks.com/MusicDownloads 


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