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Page history last edited by Ralph Katz 1 year, 6 months ago

Music Page - Ralph Katz - ralphkatz48105 at gmail dot com

- last update 02/19/2023

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Ralph Katz - Clarinetist

    • 2004 - Rehearsal in Bucarest, Romania 


I perform in a wide range of styles: classical, klezmer, jazz, and balkan.  Watch the Events page below for what is going on now.

My first clarinet was a gift in December, 1958, and I had my first lesson in February, 1959.

Also perform on: saxophone, frula / sopilka, vocals, occasionally dumbek, rarely bass.

Before 1991, I played in community bands and pit orchestras.

Since 1991 I have almost entirely been playing Klezmer, and Balkan music, for Weddings, Bar Mitzvahs, folk dancing events, and concerts.

- Member - Ann Arbor Federation of Musicians (AFofM Local 625): http://www.annarbormusicians.org


=> Upcoming Performances: http://ralphkatz.pbworks.com/MusicEvents

=> Bookings & Lessons - The Ann Arbor Federation of Musicianshttp://www.annarbormusicians.org

=> Audio Downloads: http://RalphKatz.pbworks.com/MusicDownloads

=> Events Booking: please e-mail me about ,concerts (classical, Klezmer, other), weddings, Bar/Bat Mitzvahs, parties (see e-mail address above.) 

=> Nothing is Too Complicated: a specialized, professional ensemble can be assembled to meet your complex needs, such as these past events:

- Multi-ethnic weddings: Jewish/Bulgarian, Jewish/Italian, Ukranian/Hungarian

- Dance event with caller: national convention of the American Society for the Alexander Technique

- Classical background music

- November outdoor wedding in Flint, MI


=> Music Photos: http://ralphkatz.pbworks.com/MusicPhotos

=> Equipment Page: http://ralphkatz.pbworks.com/MusicEquipment

=> Interview in Washtenaw Jewish News, October 2008 (pp 6-7): http://www.washtenawjewishnews.org/PDFs/WJN_Oct-08.pdf

=> My Favorites http://ralphkatz.pbworks.com/MusicFavorites

=> Music Links (just starting): http://ralphkatz.pbworks.com/MusicLinks

=> 11/7/09 concert poster is here (oops - see photos page)http://ralphkatz.pbworks.com/w/page/8424999/MusicPhotos


Currently performing with these groups:

- The Ethnic Connection: http://www.pasty.net/~dowens/EC.htm

- Klezmer Fusion Band: http://www.klezmerfusionband.com/

- Klezmer R&D (clarinet & piano - with Dave Gitterman)

- Dexter Community Orchestra: http://www.dextercommunityorchestra.org/

- DCO Wind Ensemble (harmonie music - 8+ winds)

- Allegro Winds (flute, oboe, clarinet, horn, bassoon)

- A2/C4 - Ann Arbor Clarinet Quartet

- Twas Brillig and the Mazel Tovs:

- Mizmoret (Temple Beth Emeth worship band)


Previously performed with these groups:

- Vocal Arts Ensemble of Ann Arbor: http://vaeannarbor.org

- Kol Halev choir: http://www.templebethemeth.org/tbe/kol_halev

- Ann Arbor Repertory Orchestra: http://music.repertoryorchestra.org/

- University of Michigan Life Sciences Orchestra

- River Raisin Ragtime Revue: http://www.ragtimeband.org

- Keith Brion and His New Souza  Band

- Opera On Tap: http://www.operaontap.org/a2y/

- Bow Echo (piano, fiddle, clarinet, dance leader)

- II-V-I Orchestra (big band - clarinet & tenor sax): https://localwiki.org/ann-arbor/II-V-I_Orchestra

- Ann Arbor Summer Civic Band (1981-1991, principal clarinet, 1986-1991): http://www.arborweb.com/cg/t0388.html

- U-Mich Gilbert and Sullivan Society (25 semester pin): http://www.umgass.org/

- Ann Arbor Civic Theater: http://www.a2ct.org/

- Ypsilanti Community Band (Eb clarinet, 1982-1985): http://hosted.wccnet.edu/ycb/

- Plymouth Symphony Orchestra: http://www.plymouthsymphony.org/

- Ann Arbor Mozart Players (1987-1990)

- Saline Big Band: http://www.salinebigband.com/

- University of Michigan Residential College Wind Quintet (1971-1974)

- University of Michigan Varsity Band (1970-1972)

- South Oakland Concert Band (1964-1969): http://socbmi.org/

- University of Michigan Symphony Band (1969)

- Michigan State Fair Honors Band (1969)

- MSBOA Honors Band (1969)

- Southfield (MI) Junior Symphony (1966-1969)


Venues I have performed at:

- Michigan League:  http://uunions.umich.edu/league/

- Michigan Union:  http://uunions.umich.edu/munion/

- Vithosha Haus (Ann Arbor, MI): http://www.a2vitosha.com/weddings-grand-events.php

- Barton Hills Country Club (MI): http://www.tyloon.com/business_profile/CID-403301/barton_hills_country_club.html

- Travis Pointe Country Club: http://www.travispointe.com

- U of M Golf Course:  http://www.mgoblue.com/clubs/article.aspx?id=28618

- Ann Arbor Folk Dancers: http://ritter.astro.utoledo.edu/~ndm/FD/

- Gretchen's House: http://gretchenshouse.com/house5.php and http://www.astro.utoledo.edu/~ndm/FD/

- Ann Arbor Council for Traditional Music & Dance (AACTMAD): http://www.aactmad.org/

- Pittsfield Grange: http://pittsfieldhistory.org/index.php?section=sites&content=pittsfield_grange

- Lydia Mendelssohn Theater: http://www.music.umich.edu/about/facilities/central_campus/mendelssohn/index.htm

- Power Center for the Performing Arts: http://www.music.umich.edu/about/facilities/central_campus/power/index.htm

- Hill Auditorium: http://www.music.umich.edu/about/facilities/central_campus/hill/index.htm

- Ann Arbor Hands On Museum: http://www.aahom.org/

- Cranbrook Institute of Science: http://science.cranbrook.edu/

- Congregational Church of Birmingham (MI): http://www.ccbucc.org/

- Temple Israel (West Bloomfield, MI): http://www.temple-israel.org

- Congregation Beth Shalom (Oak Park, MI): http://www.congbethshalom.org/

- Congregation Shaarey Zedek (Southfield, MI): http://www.shaareyzedek.org/

- Temple Beth Emeth (Ann Arbor, MI): http://www.templebethemeth.org

- Beth Israel Congregation (Ann Arbor, MI): http://www.bethisrael-aa.org/

- The Shul (West Bloomfield, MI): http://www.theshul.net/

- Young Israel (Oak Park, MI): http://yiop.youngisrael.org/

- Congregation B'Nai Israel (Sylvania, OH): http://www.cbitoledo.org

- Congregation Etz Chayim (Sylvania, OH): http://www.etzchayimtoledo.org/

- Dexter District Library (Dexter, MI): http://www.dexter.lib.mi.us/

- Ann Arbor District Library: http://www.aadl.org

- Cobblestone Farm (Ann Arbor): http://cobblestonefarm.org/

- Fox Run (Novi) Belmont Clubhouse, Performing Arts Center

- Michigan State University, Museum of Natural History

- University of Michigan Biomedical Research Building

- Congregation Beth Ahm, West Bloomfield, MI: http://cbahm.org/

- Michigan Theater (Ann Arbor, MI): http://www.michtheater.org/

- Taubman Biomedical Science Research Building ("the pringle")

- University of Michigan Hospital Lobby ("Gifts of Art")

- St. Joseph Mercy Hospital (Ypsilanti) Lobby


Significant teachers:

- Ransell Evans (Dewey Elementary School): my first exposure to an adult who could really make music with children.

- Herman Kushner: taught me the rudiments.

- Paul Schaller: taught me most of what I know about clarinet playing, in a very short period of time, after I had already been playing 8 years.

- Arnold Jacobs: corrected breathing problems after 35 years of playing - http://www.windsongpress.com/arnold-jacobs/

- Theodore Oien: invaluable help developing a practice regimen with limited time resources - 


- Jane Heirich: Alexander technique has kept me playing - http://www.alexandertechniqueannarbor.com/



In 1971, my  Bb clarinet went in for an overhaul, and I managed to borrow a succession of instruments to continue playing in the University of Michigan Varsity Band.   But at some point, all of the loaners were needed elsewhere, there was a concert coming up, and I was in a bind for an instrument to use.  With no other options, I spent a Sunday afternoon relearning all the music on my A clarinet, transposing it all up 1/2 step.  This included, as I remember, Jenkins: American Overture.  At some point, it appeared wise to tell the conductor, and he was aghast at the prospect,  But when I told him I had been doing it at rehearsals for the past 2 weeks, he walked away.  So, I am the only person I have ever heard of who played a university band concert on an A clarinet.


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